DOV Victory Series 3
Episode 5 – How to Get God’s First Promises

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How to Get God’s First Promises
God’s first bundle of Promises are given to the new adopted member of God’s Kingdom.
- God’s first Promises to you is given to you immediately when you accept your adoption into God’s family. In many ways these first Promises are the best you will ever get and will last an eternity.
- God wants to adopt everyone into God’s privileged family. However, most people will choose to go their own ways, follow the ways of the world or even follow evil. God’s arms are wide open, as symbolized by Jesus’ wide arms on the cross, for everyone that believes on Jesus will be welcomed.
- As has been clearly stated in the Bible that this belief isn’t just intellectual agreement. This belief is making God the lord and master of all that you are, all that you do and all that you have. Many will say that they have accepted God and Jesus, but most will not make God the lord and master of their life but will continue to live in a manner that is unchanged. They will continue to live as the world has taught them and will not accomplish the Purposes of God.
- Upon your dedication to Jesus as God with us you are adopted by God into the family of God. This happens in a moment. Your adoption at that moment is final and will never be undone. There will be those who stray away from God just as the lost lamb in the story that Jesus told about the lost sheep. The shepherd who is God will do all that can be done to find and return the lost back into the family fold of safety.
- The prodigal son story is another example in the Bible about how God waits expectantly for the lost child’s return. Even while away from the father the lost child is still the son of the father. As soon as the child returns there is great rejoicing.
- God wants all people to become God’s children and then stay favored children of God being faithful to accomplish the Purposes of God and complete the ministries that God gives to each child.
- As long as the you stay in the Kingdom of God, God’s Promises will continue to be given to you. God’s Kingdom is like the house of a parent that a child lives in with their parent. In God’s Kingdom there are many rooms and mansions in which the children of God can dwell and grow.
- If the child rebels and leaves the parents’ house, they are no long under the protection and direction of the parent. The parent can do all they can to keep the child, however, if the child revolts and leaves the parent can do nothing but let the child know they can return and will always be loved as a member of the family. As a parent you can continue to love the child and at the same time hate what they are doing.
- As long as the child is in the parents’ house they can continue to receive from the parent all the parent will give to them. God is the same way with you as God’s loved child. God has made Promises to you as God’s child and unlike a worldly parent, God will never break a Promise.
God’s First Promises
God has a bundle of Promises that are given to you as a newborn child of God. This bundle of Promises changes everything for you as a new child of God for eternity.
- God’s first Promises are delivered to you when you are a new born child of God. All people born into God’s Kingdom are equal and there is no difference due to gender, race, color, or any other difference in the eyes of the world.
- You are just like the newborn physical baby who is unaware of the world, what the parents are like, what life has available to you or how to respond to everything around you. You are adopted into the spiritual Kingdom of God, you are surrounded by the spiritual world that is new to you, and you are covered in the love of God that you have never experienced before.
- God has a bundle of Promises for you when you dedicate yourself to God and become a child of God. This is the biggest bundle of Promises you will ever receive and will change your life forever.
- The first part of the bundle of Promises of God to you is that you are adopted into God’s family and are a member of God’s spiritual Kingdom that will last throughout eternity. Your spirit is given eternal life. It will not spiritually die, and you will not go to Hell. You are destined to be in the presence of God from that moment on, forever.
- The second part of the bundle of Promises of God is that your sins that you have done and the things that you haven’t done that you should have that are sins against God are all forgiven immediately. For a moment in time you are sinless before God. When you dedicate yourself to God in your belief, you confess that you have been a sinner against God’s standards. God Promises to take those sins away from you and give you a clean start.
- The third part of the bundle of Promises is that you are given the Holy Spirit to live with you and in you with your own spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God given to you to help, guide, comfort and direct you for your eternal life.
- The fourth part of the bundle of Promises is that you are loved by God as only a parent can love a child that is their own. God’s love and care will be yours forever and is given to you without reservation or limitation. This love is yours no matter what your past has been because now you have a new spiritual start.
- The fifth part of the bundle of Promises is God’s mercy for you. This is experienced by God forgiving your past sins, worldly ways or even evil ways and giving you a new beginning as an innocent baby in God’s family.
- The sixth part of the bundle of Promises is God’s grace for you as a new babe in the family of God. God’s grace gives you God’s adoption even though you don’t deserve it by what you have done or not done. Even though you have done nothing and can never do enough to deserve God’s Promises, it is God’s grace that makes it all available, even to the thief on the cross next to Jesus. You can never deserve God’s Promises only God can give them to you because of God’s grace.
- The seventh part of the bundle of Promises is that you are given new gifts and Purposes for your life. God has new Purposes for you to accomplish during your life as a child of God. God will also give you the new gifts that you will need. God will change you and the world around you as you do the Purposes that God assigns to you.
- This first bundle of Promises brings you into God’s spiritual Kingdom as a full member and child of God. You have the bundle of God’s first Promise to you. This is in exchange for your promise to live and be dedicated to God as a faithful child of God.
- Just as the newborn physical babe cannot comprehend all that the world is or what it has in store for it, you as a newborn spiritual babe of God cannot know all that God has in store for you. You need to be a faithful new child of God and learn more about who God is, what is expected of you and what God has in store for your life as a member of God’s privileged family.