DOV Victory Series 3
Episode 3 – God’s Promises to the Wicked

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Those who have chosen to follow the ways of wickedness will reap the same as Satan and the followers of Satan. It isn’t God’s desire that anyone follow the ways of wickedness, however, God has Promised that they will receive eternal punishment.
- There is wickedness and evil in the world. The devil and the fallen angels will do all in their power to entice people to be wicked and follow them.
- There is wickedness that everyone sees as evil and is repulsed by it. There is wickedness that masquerades as power, pride and popularity. Many are swept up in this wave of wickedness and revel together in their triumphs.
- Wickedness leaves behind it all manner of destruction. Most acts that cause destruction have their root in wickedness.
- The destruction of wickedness can be emotional, physical, and spiritual. There is no boastfulness in destruction. Those who boast of their destruction are wicked.
- The devil makes wickedness attractive and desirable. The destruction of wickedness is often dressed up so it entices rather than repulses. Wickedness can masquerade as self-defense, justified killing, national or ethnic superiority, stealing, misrepresentation, sports, tough behavior, bullishness, self-aggrandizing at the expense of another, ruthless business tactics, false witness, hurtful gossip and hurtful lies.
- Many are caught up in wickedness and don’t recognize it. Step back and look at what is being done. Make sure your words and actions are building up and not tearing down.
- Remember that “Good” is a relative word. What is good for one person or group may be harmful or bad to another. God says to be mindful of what is bad in the eyes of others. If it is harmful or bad to the other person, do not do that which offends.
- Wars have been fought and millions have died to satisfy the pride of a person or group of people. When is all is done, all that is left is the destruction.
- God Promises that the wicked will be punished for their wickedness. Satan and the fallen angels will be give eternal punishment and so will all the followers wickedness.
- This place of eternal punishment is called Hell. Hell is real and an actual condition of punishment. Many do not believe that Hell exists and what they believe doesn’t not change its reality.
- God has Promised that all wicked people will be judged at the Great White Thrown Judgement. They will have to account for that which they have said and done. They will receive their just punishment.
- The lowest part of Hell has been reserved for the devil. The various levels of Hell are readied for the fallen angels and those who have followed wickedness and evil. Hell is a condition of eternal loneliness, separation and torment.
- God’s Promise of the final judgment and the punishment of Hell is as real as God’s Promise of eternal life in the beauty and glory of Heaven with God.
- God takes not pleasure or satisfaction with punishing wickedness. However, it is God’s Promise and God is faithful to keep all Promises.