Victory Series – 1

GOD - Jesus - Holy Spirit

Who and where is God.  Is Jesus God or a man?  What or who is the Holy Spirit?  How does God work or expect from you?  Is God really important and why?

Episode - 1-1 Salvation and Spiritual Adoption

By your belief you are adopted into God’s forever family and given the gifts of the Holy Spirit and eternal life.  When you are adopted into God’s forever family you are given the gift of the Holy Spirit who will work with and in you to help, guide and direct you to do the Purposes of God.

EPISODE - 1-2 Who God is

Almighty God is the one and only true God.  Forever the same, not bound by time, the creator and power of the universe.  Serve Almighty God in all you say and do and be covered by God’s love, mercy and grace.

episode - 1-3 Who Jesus is

Jesus, very God of very God became man and gave the perfect sacrifice for all sins for all time.  Eternal Life is a gift of God to those who believe and are dedicated their life to Jesus as Lord and master.  Our faithful service to Jesus will be rewarded by Jesus at the judgement that Jesus will give.

episode - 1-4 Who the Holy Spirit is

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Almighty God given to all the adopted children of God and will remain with them as long as the Spirit is not rejected or grieved by the thoughts, words and actions of the person.  The Holy Spirit will direct you in the paths of God’s righteousness so you will produce the Fruits of the Spirit.