DOV Victory Series 1
Episode 1 – Salvation and Spiritual Adoption
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By your belief you are adopted into God’s forever family and given the gifts of the Holy Spirit and eternal life.
- Upon believing on Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, your old person is spiritually born again and given a new life as an adopted member of the family of God, and the Holy Spirit is immediately given to you to teach, comfort, direct and reprove.
- It is by the grace of God that you are saved, through faith in Jesus Christ. You can’t do anything to deserve God’s grace.
- Belief that God so loved you that God gave the only begotten Child of God, Jesus Christ, God of God, Essence of Essence, that while you were still a sinner Jesus Christ become a person and died as the perfect sacrifice for your sins.
- Through the sacrifice of Jesus you can be reconciled to Almighty God and made members of God’s eternal family, brothers and sisters with Jesus Christ.
- You are saved, made a citizen of the Kingdom of God on this earth and in Heaven, and saved from spiritual death or everlasting punishment.
- As a new member of the family of God you are to become a faithful Disciple of Christ, surrendering to Jesus Christ in service to God’s Kingdom on earth.
- As a Disciple you are called to be active in faith and grow in knowledge, wisdom and understanding of Jesus Christ and the Church.
- Say, “Praise be to Almighty God my God, the only God, who gives abundantly to those who are in God’s service.”
Your Calling to a Ministry:
You are called to a ministry of service to God and given the gifts you will need to perform the ministry.
- As a Disciple you are called to your ministry of service in the Church. Some are called to teach and preach and others to administration, finance, care, visitation, hospitality, maintenance, missions, but all will be called to the ministry of evangelism.
- You will be given the gifts to perform the functions to which you have been called by the Spirit of God.
- All callings to ministry are affirmed by the Church, as the callings to service are from Jesus Christ, the head of the Church.
- The Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, will give you as a Disciple understanding, direction and the gifts of the Spirit which include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
- Through belief, faithful service and growth, your gifts of the Holy Spirit will fill your spirit as a Disciple. As these gifts are given to you they will produce the fruit of a Disciple to be seen by others.
- It is by the fruit produced through your attitudes, words, and deeds that it will be known to others that you are a child of God.
- Say, “May Almighty God guide and give me power, and I will be faithful to allow the Holy Spirit to produce the fruits of God through me.”
- The Church, by the direction of Almighty God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, will call you to a position of service. If the church does not call you to serve, you are called by Jesus to ministries of service.
- You will be given gifts of abilities by the Holy Spirit to add to your natural abilities. These gifts of ability will be given in response to your callings and in proportion to your fruit produced as a Disciple.
- The gifts of abilities must be used and developed under the teaching and direction of the Holy Spirit and other Disciples who have the gifts.
- When adopted into the Kingdom of God through faith and belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and the acceptance of Jesus’ sacrifice for your sins, the Holy Spirit dwells within the spirit of you as a new child of God.
Grow as a Child of God:
When you are adopted into God’s forever family you are given the gift of the Holy Spirit who will work with and in you to help, guide and direct you to do the Purposes of God.
- As a new babe in the Kingdom of God you are to follow Jesus Christ as an active, growing Disciple, publicly professing your faith and belief before the Church.
- Say, “Jesus, God with is me, eternal payment for my repented sins, through my belief I am made a child of God and given eternal spiritual life.”
- Be baptized, grow in wisdom and knowledge and produce the fruits of a member of the Kingdom of God.
- Upon adoption by Almighty God, the Holy Spirit gives you as a child of God the Disciple’s gifts which marks you as God’s own, and works with your spirit to change you into a new spiritual person.
- When you are a new Disciple you become a new person spiritually and you have an eternal heritage with Jesus Christ.
- The Holy Spirit will teach, direct, comfort and reprove you to change the fruit produced to that of the Kingdom of God. The greatest of the Disciple’s gifts given to you by the Holy Spirit is love.
- By the gifts of the Holy Spirit you will be transformed and renewed through the Holy Spirit working with your spirit.
- Say, “Come Holy Spirit, Spirit of Almighty God, guide, teach, reprove and comfort me to do the Purposes of God.”