Why Listen to Dr Patrick

Hi, I’m Dr. Patrick Pierce. I am a research doctor and have been a professor at colleges and universities.
I have written books on the Bible based on the original Greek and a collection of ancient first and second century texts.
I have not been indoctrinated by one denomination or sect. I have concentrated on finding out exactly what the Bible says by researching the original Greek and the Apostles’ other writings.
I will tell you exactly what Jesus and the original authors of the Bible said and meant.
I organized Days of Victory or DOV for short over 30 years ago to find a way to shine a bright light on the truth from Jesus, God and the Bible. I am executive director of DOV.
The Mission of DOV is uncover the true message from God to provide encouragement and guidance so people can develop a life-altering relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
I have been a Christian teacher and speaker in many Christian churches for over 40 years.
I and the DOV team truly pray that each reader receives a special blessing and a closer personal relationship with God.
Make sure you Connect with DOV and get your All Access Pass. This is important, so you can unlock all the helps that you want. We will also have Gatherings with those who have Connected with DOV. These will be times online that we will answer questions and cover topics of utmost importance. When you Connect you will have access to the Library of past Gatherings also.
Connected Followers of DOV have told how their lives have changed:
- Many have developed a wonderful relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
- Many have been filled with the Holy Spirit and have daily joy, peace and love.
- Some have been freed from fear, worry and anxiety.
- Some have been lifted out depression.
- Some have been able to form and enjoy relationships.
- Some have found a church that helps fill their life.
- Some have found areas of life fulfilling service.
- Many have experienced new peace, joy and love.
- Many have a new, stronger connection to God.
- Many have heard from God about their life and their purpose.
IMPORTANT: Get Your FREE All Access Pass with DOV