DOV Victory Series 2
Episode 1 – The Basis of a Relationship


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Your Relationship with God and God’s Family

Take the time and effort to build your relationship with God and with God’s family.  A relationship that isn’t fed time and attention will starve to death.

  1. We are all sinners, unworthy of God’s love but God’s grace and mercy reaches to us, redeems us, supports us, builds us up and then makes us a source of God’s love to others.
  1. Praise Almighty God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit for compassion, mercy and grace available to you, given to you daily to partake in the inexhaustible supply as you need.
  1. Do not become too busy and become the slave and not the master. Stop and make time for relationships so they will grow.  If you are not growing together, you are growing apart.
  1. No relationship grows on its own, but it must be built with time spent together.
  1. You may build or achieve many things in your life, but your relationship with God and other Disciples will last forever.
  1. These are forever friendships which will grow and bring joy and purpose to your soul.
  1. Eternal relationships are the most important part of life. All other achievements of this world will be lost in the dust of time.
  1. Christ is now and for eternity so treat the relationships with Disciples of Christ as precious and worthy, do not discard them, but build them up and they will be forever friendships.
  1. Build up your relationships with others who are in Jesus Christ and have the Holy Spirit with them. Build your relationships on the solid ground of Almighty God, not on the shifting, changing sands of this world.
  1. These relationships are built strong with Jesus as the head and each as equal together under the authority of Jesus Christ.
  1. Be faithful in your friendships and relationships even as Jesus is faithful. Unfaithfulness to a close relationship with one of God’s own children is a sin of the most grave nature. This is unmerited rejection of one of God’s own children and only rejection of the Holy Spirit or Jesus Christ will be judged more harshly.
  1. Your relationship with God will determine your eternal destiny, spend time to build this relationship and your labor will not return empty, but will be full of joy and life.

Your Relationship with Yourself

Loving others as yourself first requires you to love yourself then you can love others.

  1. Your relationship with yourself is important, for you are important to Jesus Christ. You are so important that Christ died for you and the Holy Spirit dwells in and with you.
  1. You must have a good relationship with yourself and think good of yourself, for without this it is not possible to have a full relationship with God or others.
  1. You must not depend on your own abilities and power, but rest in the arms of Jesus and the comfort and power of the Holy Spirit. You will be picked up and given the strength and love of Almighty God.
  1. If you give the strength and love of God to others you will be given more to overflowing from God’s abundant supply and your joy will be great.
  1. Follow God’s pattern for relationships which will stand against time and be strong in the face of adversity.
  1. Problems encountered are opportunities to build strength. Problems will reveal your inner soul so you can be strengthened.
  1. Be like the carpenter who locates the weaknesses then spends time working on the weakness until it is strong and the whole structure made stronger.
  1. As long as you are in Jesus Christ you can change, for even the very old of this world are only beginning their eternal life, they are just closer to shedding their earthen vessel and seeing Jesus Christ face to face.

Your Relationship with Others

Build your relationships with others as a skilled worker set out to build a structure that will last and have meaning for all.

  1. The purpose of the relationship is to accept the other as Jesus has accepted you, to build each other up, to serve one another, and to serve Almighty God together, not looking to be served.
  1. Relationships are not to change one another, but to see how you should change yourself and serve others.
  1. In relationships be respectful and chose words and actions with love and care. Be open in communications with respect for others, so words and actions will strengthen the relationship and not weaken it.
  1. The ability to choose words and actions with respect and love for others is learned and must be developed. Children must be taught this lesson while they are young, for it is more difficult to learn this when a person is older.
  1. Every new relationship requires adjustments so all the pieces of the relationship puzzle will fit together.
  1. If you are unhappy or angry, you must first change yourself before you become involved with others. They will be unable to make you happy or take away your anger, you will only spill your putrid refuse on them and contaminate their lives with your unhappiness and anger.
  1. Be patient, in your relationships with God and other Disciples. You are just beginning these relationships for they will last forever.
  1. Be patient, and not lazy. Laziness does not change that which can and should be changed.
  1. Patience lives with that which cannot be changed at the time, but is quick to change that which can and should be changed.
  1. Patience is the loving acceptance of the other person, for only one is perfect, your Lord Jesus Christ.
  1. Express friendship and affection, do not keep love inside where it will smother and die, but give it to others so you will be filled with more love as a fresh flowing river.
  1. Work to develop and keep friendships and relationships, they do not grow without care and attention.
  1. Take time to let relationships grow and bloom into the flowers of friendship which will fill the air with the sweet scent of love and joy.

Loving Communication

Fill all your communication with love and care.  Build up others with your speech and do not be taken in or participate in idol gossip.

  1. Do not nag or gripe, for this is without love and fills the air with bitterness.
  1. Communicate with one another, for without communication there is no lasting relationship.
  1. Even in the time of misunderstanding, loving communication can heal a relationship, but silence will let the smallest problem become a growing mountain of separation.
  1. Let your words be full of love and respect, do not speak words like arrows which are filled with poison.
  1. The club can break the body, but words can break the spirit. A broken spirit is far more difficult to mend.
  1. Confess wrongs to those who have been wronged and let the confession be true repentance from a spirit of remorse for what has been said or done.
  1. Without confession there can be no true forgiveness and without forgiveness the relationship cannot be healed of the wrong.
  1. Forgive those who have wronged you and have confessed their transgression to you. Christ will forgive you as you have forgiven others.
  1. Even with forgiveness it is difficult to erase the wrong from your soul, but your words and actions must be without remembrance of the forgiven wrong. If you are faithful to do this, that which has happened will be covered over with new memories.

Let Joy Fill You

Let your soul be filled with the joy of God and then your relationships will be full of God’s light, love and joy.

  1. Keep a soul that is full of joy, and in all things praise the Lord. Even though there is sorrow and pain, let your spirit be comforted and your soul filled with joy from Almighty God.
  1. Life is serious, but most decisions and situations will pass and be forgotten. Take seriously that which is truly important and let that which is less important pass with less attention.
  1. Happiness is your reaction to that which surrounds you and is fullest when your expectations are surpassed. Expect little or nothing, then be happy with the smallest things and be blessed. Do not be full of empty hopes and false expectations.
  1. Do not be full of exalted rights, for all rights are the Lords, you only have duties and responsibilities to God, others and yourself.
  1. Dwell on that which uplifts the spirit, builds the soul, and is positive in the world. There is much that is bad and there is much that is good in the world; focus on that which is good, do away with that which is bad.
  1. By dwelling on that which is good and positive you will become stronger and more capable. There is power and abilities within you which are released and strengthen when your spirit is positive.
  1. Affirm the good and positive to one another that each one might reach their potential.

Serve Others

Your purpose is to serve others and only then are you fulfilled and renewed by God with abundant love.

  1. Work with diligence to achieve great things. The diligent will be rewarded for they are not filled with empty hopes, but with visions of achievement.
  1. That which you achieve is not yours but the Lords, so work to help others in the Lord being fulfilled and achieve much more. Build one another up and help one another in the time of need. Together you will be stronger.
  1. Service is the mark of true friendship and love. Service does that which is needed to build the other person up and make them strong. Service does that which shows love and the value of friendship.
  1. Serve one another with gladness that your love will be made complete and joy will fill your soul.
  1. Though you are full of limitations, there is much that you can do, there is even more that you can do together, and with God all things are possible.
  2. Follow God’s pattern for relationships and you will be blessed with lasting friendships which will build you up and fill you with joy and love. Many of these will be forever friendships blessed by God for eternity. Praise God.