DOV Victory Series 3
Episode 1 – Promises of God Overview

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God has made absolute, never changing Promises. These Promises have been made by God and God is faithful to keep the Promises. You can rely on God’s Promises for they are and will be true.
God’s Promises to the World:
God has made Promises to the world and those who have made the world and the things of this world their god. Most people are convinced or have just followed others into this belief and way of living. God’s Promises for these people will be completed according to their own decisions.
God’s Promises to the Wicked:
God has made Promises to the wicked and evil doers. God sees many activities as wicked that have become acceptable to the world. God’s Promise to the wicked and evil is everlasting loneliness, separation and punishment for that which they have done. These Promises of God are as real as God’s Promises to the adopted children of God.
God’s Promises to the Adopted Children of God:
God has made wonderful Promises to those who have chosen to follow God’s ways and accept Jesus as their Lord and Master. These are Promises that everyone desires, but God requires that you become an adopted child of God and let the Holy Spirit guide and direct your life. The child of God will produce the fruits of the Holy Spirit and will have God’s joy, peace and love.
This Book on the Promises of God tells you all of God’s Promises to the world, the wicked and the children of God. It is each person’s life choice to follow the ways of the world, wickedness or God. Let your choice be clear in choosing God’s path to eternal life and joy.