DOV Victory Series 3
Episode 2 – God’s Promises to the World

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God Promises everyone the choice of whom they will follow. Most people will be servants to the ways of the world. Those who follow the world and serve the world will end the same as the world will close.
- The world surrounds us and draws us to consider it as the most important. It even compels us to believe that there isn’t anything else but the physical world.
- God made the world and adorned it in beauty so we can live our temporal life surrounded by that which pleases us. The world is the creation of the creator. Most people are misled and believe only what they can know with their senses.
- The world demands our work and sweat in order to live. Many dedicate their lives to this effort and lose themselves to their slavery to the world.
- These people have made the physical world their god and serve it with all their time, abilities and resources. They are worshiping a god of stone and stars. Many have followed this path, but it is false and will receive God’s promised end.
- Many people believe that they have within themselves the ability to know truth and ultimate wisdom. They have made themselves the god they serve. Their world revolves around them and have not truth or wisdom in them.
- God has Promised that the earth and all that is physically in it will perish and be no more. This process of decay and death is all around you for you to see.
- Believe your own eyes and see the end of the physical world. It is not real. It is only here today and gone tomorrow. Even the great works of entire civilizations are buried and broken. The sands of time will cover your physical achievements and will be forgotten.
- God has said that if you reject God and turn to your own understanding that God will turn you over to your own desires. These desires will bar you from God and God’s blessings.
- Those who follow the ways of the world or make themselves their own god will disappear at their death and be no more. From dust them were made and to dust they will return.
- God has Promised that they will inherit that which they have served. They will inherit the same end as the physical world. The ultimate end or the earth is that God will consume it with fire and make a new heaven and earth.
- God is faithful to keep the Promises made, even if God desires that people would decide differently. God is fair and just and the world and all that is in the world will end and be no more.